Friday, January 9, 2009

Christmas, Part Two

Happy 2009! The week after Christmas we had festivities with the Ringenberg's. It was a lot of fun - Julia and Mallory enjoyed their "baking" supplies for their kitchen and Julia also got a stylin sled and a vacuum from Great Grandma R! Here she is practicing her overly entergetic "cheese" smile.

Julia and Daddy playing doctor! She is really good about making "thump, thump" sounds and generally seems to know just where to find them.

Julia and Grandpa dancing to "Julia and a Drum" from the Julia soundtrack from Scot and Kendy.

Awww . . . .

Again . . . aw . . . .

Making the first of many messes with their new mixing bowls and measuring cups for their kitchens.

Julia and Mom got matching cupcake aprons from Aunt Kendy - too too cute!

Grandma L the chef has years of baking experience to teach the wee ones :)

Oh and when we don't play with kitchens - its all about babies!

My sled is pretty cool inside - can't wait to get some snow to try it out!

Ah the Kirby Kegger. . 4th Annual . . fun times

Julia, Kyle and I headed down to the Children's Museum while Kyle had some time off over Christmas - we will definitely be back - what a fun place!

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